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Tas OEM is a specialist clinic primarily focused on the management of work-related medical conditions or conditions that impact on a person's capacity for work. We also provide preventative advice to employers through worksite assessments, medical incident/cluster investigation, environmental medicine consultations, consultation on medical policy review and assist in developing periodic health assessment and biological monitoring programs. Because of our specialist expertise in occupational and environmental medicine, we are also often asked to provide expert medico-legal opinions to insurers, courts and patient's lawyers as well as fitness for work assessments.

At Tas OEM, we endeavour to promote the mental and physical health benefits of good work and proactive prevention of workplace incidents. We practice evidence-based medicine with a focus on functional restoration through active self-management where appropriate. We work with general practitioners, other specialist and specialised allied health professionals to ensure a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to health care.

ABN: 47 164 624 819